Double Leg Swing

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Double Leg Swing

Unread postby polebreaker » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:52 pm

I dont know If its a good habit but I dont see many vaulters that have a double leg swing. My coach and I are working alot to get me to keep my swing leg long and straight. But I still find myself going back to the old swing. My coach knows what he is talkng about but I wanted to know any other vaulters personal experiences on how they mentally got stronger to no go back to hold habits.

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Unread postby theczar » Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:18 pm

search the forums...i'm pretty sure this has been discussed before.

but, simply put, it's bad because it puts too much stress on the pole.

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Double leg....

Unread postby baggettpv » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:29 am

Learn how to jump from a run. Many procedures to do this. You can first follow our Dynamic Wamups at to gain awarenes of the legs and body.
Plan alll your learning activities into your wamups so you can get the numbers you need.

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Unread postby jcoover » Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:58 pm

dont mean to be a bad influence here, and i am a single leg swinger all the way, since virtually all good vaulters perform the standard swing.... that being said, it was pretty sweet watching Jimmie Heath from McNeese State jump 5.50m with the double leg swing... pretty fun to watch. :yes:

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Unread postby ec1vaulter » Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:13 am

The single leg swing should be performed as an extension of your run and that is why it is a preferred method. With the double leg swing your are reversing the momentum with the lead leg causing un-needed stress to the pole and slowing down the momentum which was created during the approach.

That being said, I don't think that the double leg swing is a bad thing... it's just counter productive to maximizing your full potential.
What did you do to get better today?

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Unread postby Tim McMichael » Thu Nov 23, 2006 1:16 pm

There is a good double leg and a bad one. Lobinger is the best of the good double leggers today. His lead knee drives in low and then immediately drops to the point where a straight line can be drawn from his top hand all the way down through his lead knee. Athletes do this because it lowers their COG early in the jump, and it allows them to use both sides of their abs when they swing. A lot of great vaulters have used this technique. Earl Bell was probably the best of the previous generation. Virtually all of the great stiff polers of the past double legged it.

I'm not saying this is the best thing to do. I am just saying that it is a legitimate technique with a long and successful history.

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Unread postby polebreaker » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:25 pm

Thanks for those posts! This is my first year with a coach after so long with out one. I have a lot of bad habits that are going away slowly just because I have someone to correct me everyday. Plus the more I train with a coach I forget how to even do the bad habits and start performing the good ones. Well Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Thanks again.

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