Move up grip or get a stiffer pole?

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Move up grip or get a stiffer pole?

Unread postby vault3rb0y » Wed May 10, 2006 1:35 pm

Hey guys, Im a sophmore in Upstate NY, im 5'9 145 Ibs, and i just moved from a 14' 150 old skypole (recoils like a 155), to a 14' 160 PacerFX. My hand grip is at 13 on the pole, and i left my grip where it was when i made the transition, and i jumped 14' (20 inches over my handhold, i believe) with the standards at 22". To get to 14'6, i know i need to stay back on the pole more, and i knew that would be easier if i started moving my grip up. I just moved it up one hand hold, and it bent a lot more but wouldnt release with nearly enough pop to get me to nearly 26 inches over my handhold! My question is, do you feel it is better to get on a stiffer pole with the same hand hold, or simply move my hand hold up to try to get to new hieghts. thanks
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Unread postby cormanac » Wed May 10, 2006 4:44 pm

Depends on how deep you are landing in the pits and how the pole feels on top.
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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Wed May 10, 2006 7:25 pm

well on the 14 160, my standards were at 18 with a headwind, and i was landing right smack in the middle. At my 14 jump, with my handhold at 13, i felt not much bend but a huge return on top, of course. With just the one hand hold higher, i felt a lot more bend with a lot less return, and i only got one good swing on it, but i was only getting my thighs to the bar, not really getting thrown like the other jump.
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Unread postby cormanac » Wed May 10, 2006 8:47 pm

Excellent, thank you very much for the additional information. I went to your picture page and watch the videos of your jumps. With an additional Hand grip, you will be able to bend the pole more easily. With a stiffer pole, it will be harder to bend, but will "give" you more on top - so you are correct in your thinking. With your jumps (watching on video) I would suggest going to a higher hand grip (one hand hold will make a difference) and try row/ put pressure on the pole longer. (It looks like you only row to your quads, get it down lower and get inverted!) This should help you stay tighter up on top (More inversion) and get more "spring" out of the pole and use the force into your body. Your takeoff is strong, last three steps look quick, and your step seems to be on. As you are holding about a foot down on the pole, a higher grip should allow you to easily move to a stiffer pole in the next year as you get stronger and faster. Remember, it is your speed at takeoff (last three contacts of your feet) that bends the pole, so a stiffer pole means you shoould be running faster (I really simplified that theory). As you train and get older, you will get faster and if you are holding at the pole's ideal grip, it will bend and unload as it was designed too.
With only one attempt at the higher grip, it can be hard to judge, but you are getting deep enough in the pits that I think a higher grip will help.
I will recommend bringing the next pole up in stiffness to meets though. If you have a sunny day with a slight tailwind, "Grip it and Rip it." Try that next pole - but I am sure you already knew that.
Your coach has done some pretty good work with you and as he has worked with you a lot more than I have, I would take his advice before mine as well. Hopefully I will be able to get up to the State Meet in SLU this year. If I do, hope to see you there!
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