problem with pole shift?

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problem with pole shift?

Unread postby mcminkz05 » Sat May 07, 2005 10:06 pm

I try not to ask too many questions, but after finally showing signs of jumping very high, very soon, iv hit one last stumbling block..
I think this has been gonig on the whole season, but even mroe noticable now, when I plant the pole and takeoff, for some reason it bends to the left, so obviously i cant quite vault.. I have the soft side in the right spot when i start out, but im thinking somethign in my carry, or when i shift the pole to plant im doign somethign with either my top or bottm wrist (or hands)to change the pole, that causes it to be planted/ bend immediatly to the left. If it helps any, earlier in the season I had an injury to my right(top) wrist, and vaulted on it while it a bit before it healed, and actually ever since then this has been going on.. Ill try to get a video, but if anyone can help from what iv said, please give me a clue what to do!!!
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Sun May 08, 2005 1:22 am

THat's kind of tough with out seeing.. You may be over planting or curling your wrist of you top hand. Make sure your pushing up with your top arm and hand. also make sure your planting straight above your head (not to the left or right) I have seen kids regrip poles as they plant with out knowing they are doing it also.

Is this unique to just this pole? sometimes you can get poles that are twisters- they are usually older and were stored improperly.
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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Sun May 08, 2005 2:08 am

Robert schmitt wrote: I have seen kids regrip poles as they plant with out knowing they are doing it also.

^ i think that might be it.. It feels really awkward when i put the pole up right now, and it does feel like soemthign moves when i plant.. how do i correct this? i wouldnt think the re-gripping would occur if my hand and wrist position felt comfortable in the first place?

and no its not just the pole.. and the other poles it happens too, I wasnt realizing why I couldnt get into the pit with my bigger poles until today.. :crying:
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Sun May 08, 2005 10:49 am

Robert schmitt wrote:I have seen kids regrip poles as they plant with out knowing they are doing it also.

I actually did that a lot when I carried the pole. Not as much from long run, but from short run I would sometimes regrip as much as 3" higher. It wasn't usually a problem, I think I mostly did it when I was gripping too low anyway, but it added some inconsistency to things.

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