In need of coaching

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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In need of coaching

Unread postby mcminkz05 » Wed Apr 20, 2005 12:08 am

Alright well i dont have a coach at my school, and Im usually real good about catching things myself, but this is leaving me clueless. I know theres no shortage of great coaches on here, so maybe someone could help me out...
For the last 2 weeks, I'v developed this odd new problem :confused: .. Ill take one of my normal poles, like my 14-6 175 and just plant and ride the pole into the pit and get great penetration and land in the middle. Than when i do the same thing, and try to swing and vault, I stall out really quick, happens every single time I try and swing up. Even on my smaller poles, like a 15-165 (14' grip) i use from 5 lefts normally, I cant seem to be able to jump on it now even from 8 lefts. yet when i dont try and swing up,(just plant and ride) I land in the back of the pit.. This is getting very frustrating, and I am completely clueless as to what im changing when i try to swing that causes this lack of penetration- it dosnt make sense that i get LESS penetration when I swing rather than just plant??? If someone can throw some advice my way, or what may be doing wrong thatd be great!
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Robert schmitt
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:32 am

Post a vidieo... Some how you are losing energy at take off. Is you step on, are you slowing down, taking off flat, not pressing up with your top hand?

You may want to go to some short run (or move your hand down 4-6" and just work on your take off and pressing up with the top hand. I catch even my expeirenced vaulters short arming thier palnts and swing at times.
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Unread postby Robert schmitt » Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:34 am

speaking of not pressing up with your top arm you can see in my avitar I'm cranking down on the top of the pole a bit. :o
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skyin' pimp
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Unread postby skyin' pimp » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:06 am

oh young one.. guess what.. when you plant and don't swing... you have a good take off.. when you try to swing.. your plant goes "au revoir".. it's gonna take a while for you to figure out how to do both at the same time.. i've seen it over 3000+ times with the vaulters i've coached.. same story.. "why, oh WHY, is it so hard to "invert" when i plant good..".. 'cause you have to relearn timing..
ok.. everyone.. listen.. i'm only going to say this 1,000,000 times..
"the 2nd hardest thing to learn in the vault is a killer takeoff.. the 1st, is learning how to swing up WITH a killer takeoff"----jon heath
thank you.. i'll be hear whenever y'all need me..
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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:04 pm

Robert schmitt wrote:Post a vidieo... Some how you are losing energy at take off. Is you step on, are you slowing down, taking off flat, not pressing up with your top hand?

You may want to go to some short run (or move your hand down 4-6" and just work on your take off and pressing up with the top hand. I catch even my expeirenced vaulters short arming thier palnts and swing at times.

Yeah step is on (I initally figured the problme was beign under, but it wasnt), not slowing down, but yeah it could be im not pressing up and takeing off flat.. but its weird that would only happen when I swing.. Short run seems fine too.. but ill get some video today if I can, that will make it a bit easier to figure out
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Unread postby mcminkz05 » Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:07 pm

skyin' pimp wrote:oh young one.. guess what.. when you plant and don't swing... you have a good take off.. when you try to swing.. your plant goes "au revoir".. it's gonna take a while for you to figure out how to do both at the same time.. i've seen it over 3000+ times with the vaulters i've coached.. same story.. "why, oh WHY, is it so hard to "invert" when i plant good..

Maybe i dont get what your saying, but im not new to planting well (or relatively well) and inverting.. not beign able to do both for some reason is a new development..
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