from "L" to inversion

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
PV Nerd
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from "L" to inversion

Unread postby 11kalnmitc » Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:41 pm

what types of drills or changes do i need to do to get out of the "L" position and into a full inversion.
Pole: 165, 170; 13'6'' Pacer
Grip: 13'2''
my height: 5' 10.5''
my weight: 156
i am consistantly jumping 136'' in practice but that just me in the "L" postion and rowing :confused:

so what do i need to do to get out of the "L" :) thanks

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Re: from "L" to inversion

Unread postby bel142 » Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:02 pm

If I am reading this correctly, and I would like to think that I am... You would like to get out of the L position and inline with the pole...

One way to "practice" this/to increase strength in those areas...

Get two different weighted med balls.
Lay on your back,
Have the heavier (5-8K) med ball in your hands, and the lighter one (2-3K)between your feet. Keeping arms and legs straight, perform a pull over with your arms and a leg left with you feet. So the med balls are touching or the your feet are slightly above your hands.

Then translate your weight to your shoulders and extend your feet above your head and keep the arms close to the body. So now all your weight is on your shoulders and both med balls are in line and above your hips/head....

This will increase strength as well as build the idea of how hips/shoulder moving counter and together to get in line with the pole.

This exercise can be considered a pre-pre-cursor to bubkas'. THEN search within the media and see how Dub does his Modified "cheater" bubkas'.... And then to the real bubkas'

PV Nerd
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:49 am
Expertise: college vaulter
Lifetime Best: 4.73
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Lazaro Borges
Location: Greensburg, PA

Re: from "L" to inversion

Unread postby 11kalnmitc » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:48 pm

yeah you basically got it, when i go to invert my feet are above me and everything but im looking at my feet, which means i'm not droping my shoulder and getting fully inverted, i've been doing inversion drills for this and its getting better but not much, the next rainy day up here which is suppsoe to be friday, i'll give that workout a try ok :) thanks

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