Anybody Need a Hotel Room at the Nugget?

Discussion for all things related to the National Pole Vault Summit held annually in Reno, Nevada.
PV Whiz
Posts: 160
Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:22 pm

Anybody Need a Hotel Room at the Nugget?

Unread postby CLCPV04 » Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:33 am

Hi Guys,

First, Happy New Year.

Second, I made a huge goof this year with hotel reservations and have an extra 9 non-smoking double-bedded rooms at the Nugget for check-in Thursday January 1st. Its on the room block at the summit rate ($110 with taxes/night), I have been told the Nugget is sold out, and I am going to be hit with a room charge if I don't find takers.

Let me know if you or anyone you know needs/would like a room at the Nugget.

Just give me a ring at 610-730-8033, I can change the names assigned to the rooms with the front desk.



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