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Conference Championship

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:56 pm
by jam354
I just wanted to do an informal survey about conference championships at the high school level. The reason is the conference I coach in doesn't decide the team conference champion at a conference meet. It is decided based on duel meet record.

Does your conference crown it's team conference champion at a conference chamionship meet?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Conference Championship

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:23 pm
by rainbowgirl28
You can edit your post to add a survey.

Re: Conference Championship

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 5:04 pm
by yankee814
I'm not voting because my Section has a weird way of doing things:

Here's how its broken down in my Area, Largest group to smallest group

State -> Section -> County Class -> Conference Class -> Division Class

For Example:
The State has 11 Sections based on area, the Section has 3 County classes based on population, the County has 4 Conferences based on population, and each conference has 2 divisions based on performances from the year before.

So It Goes, For ex.
Section 4
County Class AAA
Conference 1
Division 1A

The Conference Championship is decided by quad/tri meet records from teams within the conference, but the division championship is decided by a championship meet. I think this is stupid because there are only about 8 schools in each division and 16 schools in each conference.

County Class Championship is decided by a championship meet as well