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Unread postby dj » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:01 pm

good morning

i have an 18 year old 400 meter hurdler.. he ran 52.7IH, 47.0 400m and 1:52 880m as a 17 year old last spring/summer..

Because of 911 the US embassy has refused him a visa for the US... (even though his brother goes to TCU in Fort Worth.).

his parents want to send him to London or Canada for the spring... he will take English and train with a club.. and enroll at a university next fall.

I have trained him for 3 months and he has an ok base. he had never done speed work or lifting and ran those times...

he is extremely bright, motivated and his whole family speaks very good english including his 3 year old nephew who was born in the states... his
Dad is a retired executive from Aramco, the saudi/american oil company. his Dad has been extremely "miffed" by the treatment by the embassy.

and no his last name is not Bin Laden!!!

anyone with suggestions.. i'm sending emails to some of my contacts.. in both countries.. and the Athletic Associations..


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Unread postby vaultmd » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:25 pm

Package him up as a football player instead. Some university will pull whatever strings it takes to get him in.

I'm only half joking.

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Unread postby dj » Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:42 am

good morning

he was set to go to UTexas last September. His best friend who also runs a 1:52.0 half is already their and completing his English certification this semester.

It seems our (USA) “national security”criteria is as simple as…. is he a Baptist or Methodist? or is he black or white? Or did he have lam or chicken for dinner.

Anything done in “prejudice” will come back to bite you in the butt. That’s why the whole world is so “pi$$ ed of at us now, we have done everything “with Prejudice” and as a “bully”.

Sorry for the politics…………

It would be “laughable” if it wasn’t so very serious…

I doesn’t make me feel any safer back home in the USA knowing they don’t really know what to look for in a potential “Terrorist” and that the honest get punished.

Unfortunately the terrorists know…

I’m trying to help my athletes rise to a world class level and in the process introduce them to American the right way, and it ends up they get a negative before they even get a chance to have the experience…..

I tried going directly to the US Embassy… but that’s another story..

Let me know if anyone has any contacts in Canada..


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Unread postby vaultmd » Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:48 pm

Where the heck are you right now?

Coming to Reno?

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Unread postby decanuck » Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:36 am

Didn't see this until now. If you're still looking for a place within Canada, the best place would assuredly be Edmonton, Alberta with coach Kevin Tyler. He's the coach of Canadian record holders Tyler Christopher (400m; Current WC Bronze, Indoor WC Gold, PR 44.44) and Adam Kunkel (400mH; PR 48.24) along with many others. There is also the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Don't know Kevin personally though so I couldn't tell you how to contact him...

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