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Training with pain

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:12 pm
by andy94566
So I've been having low back pain for a while and it seems I'm going to have to take another 1-2 weeks off. I've been doing a core workout given to me in a different thread and I'm continuing to do that. But I was wondering what would be beneficial for me to do while my team is actually jumping? I've been doing walking plants and 1 step jumps at the sand pit. Anything else I can do? Thanks

Re: Training with pain

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:02 am
by tsorenson
***If you have an injury don't do any of this without talking to your doctor. If you have pain, don't train. However, once the pain subsides and you get cleared:

Not sure if the other thread included planks (front, back, side), but I find they help my back a lot. I usually combine them with some other yoga type positions, controlling breathing and holding for as long as possible, then go to another position (Planks, up dog, down dog, yoga pushup, warrior, etc, start over and go through it again, etc.) No need for incense or nonsense, just breathe and try it, it works. The following website may help you get started

If you can do it without any pain, rock climbing or bouldering helps too. Hanging from my hands and twisting my hips around helps alleviate the compression from vaulting, and all the supporting muscle groups get strong with lean muscle (no added bulk). However, falling can add more compression and hurt the lower back more, so keep that in mind.

Oh yeah, and don't take off under.

Good luck,

Re: Training with pain

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:17 am
by rainbowgirl28
Go see a doctor.

Re: Training with pain

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:18 am
by andy94566
Yeah, I've been doing Yoga by myself lately and I add alot of plank type work after regular practice is over. And I'm going to go see a doctor Wednesday to see what's up. Thanks