New Vaulter/training?

A forum to discuss overall training techniques, nutrition, injuries, etc. Discussion of actual pole vault technique should go in the Technique forum.
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New Vaulter/training?

Unread postby jmmccarthy94 » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:16 am

I've made the decision that for my Senior year i'm going to pole vault. I have never touched a pole in my life and have little knowledge of the sport but I have ran 3 years of track doing the 110m and 300m hurdles. Im 5'11" , 155 pounds and in decent shape. Our track season wont start for a little over 3 more months, when ill be able to train with a coach. Until then all i have access to is a track, hurdles, and weights.
So i was wondering if anyone could give me advise on what training i could do that would prepare me for pole vaulting for the first time?

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Re: New Vaulter/training?

Unread postby coachjvinson » Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:45 pm

Dj has a great post about a vaulter named "Ed" or something like that - search his posts
Be prepared to do a lot of progressional type exercises and drills i.e. Walkovers, Sand pit drills, walking pole plants, etc...
There are some great video resources on the sites main page as well as the main page bookstore (B2B) on the main page - start with finding Djs post, don't vault alone, take things nice and easy focusing on the fundamentals and keep posting/asking questions for starters

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