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ORU first costume vault in their new indoor facility

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:21 pm
by kev44000
Come and join us for our first meet in the new indoor facility at Oral Roberts University!
October 24, 2009 at 1pm

This will be a costume vault so all participants must wear a costume in order to jump in the contest. All ages and heights are welcome! The bar will begin wherever it needs to. This is strictly a fundraiser to help out the ORU Pole Vault team. Admission will be 12 and under free, $1 13 and up, $2 for students, $3 for adults. All the money will benefit ORU Track, including $5 fourth attempts. Also, a raffle will be held. Which includes a pole that Joe Dial jumped over 19 ft on.

Everything in the new indoor will be BRAND NEW! Including pit, standards, and runway! Come and join us a fun filled meet!

*As a bonus for all you vault fans Joe DIal HIMSELF will be jumping in this vault. If you don't come to jump it would be a great blast from the past to see the former world and american record holder jump one more time.

any questions e-mail o and ill try to get back to you as fast as possible thanks

Re: ORU first costume vault in their new indoor facility

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:24 pm
by kev44000
here is a link to the facebook group and some pics of the new indoor and raffle items
if you have a facebook check it out ... 882&ref=nf