Note that we hope to precede the athlete's camp by a specific two day clinic for coaches - This is important so it will probably go ahead informally if the numbers dont justify a full effort. However agapit -aka Botcharnikov will be there for the coaches clinic and I may induce him to stay for the camp! I can also ensure poles for athletes at a basic level.
Everyone should know that I am not coming all the way from OZ to be involved in a slap and tickle -ie a fun camp. The athletes will be expected to bring their heads and their hearts with them with the intention of learning as much as they possibly can . we have no magic wands - the learning can only be done by the learner and if they set out to do this they will improve. Beginners are welcome but they must also be prepared to work hard!
If anyone interested does not know my background or that of Roman, you will find my coaching vitae on the board somewhere - while you will have to take my word for the fact that Roman is among the top five most knowledgeable coaches in the world. Many clinics on this board claim to be coaching the Petrov/Bubka model - we actually do so because we have been involved with both Petrov and Bubka!
Remember that Boone is in a beautiful area - well worth a short holiday for parents!