Approach run form.

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Approach run form.

Unread postby grandevaulter » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:47 am

I have been studying the run approach form of vaulters and have started to question the method that I have been coaching. I learned to run tall with an erect torso with a high knees and on the ball of my feet, with a gradual acceleration to the plant. This is how I have coached the approach in my first two years of high school coaching. Recently I have been introduced to a flat footed approach and a forward lean until the mid mark and using it as a point to accelerate.

Have I been coaching the approach incorrectly or is this just a difference in methods.

Thank you.

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby vcpvcoach » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:14 pm

Hey Coach. I would take a moment and search for elite vaulter video on the net. I think that you will find that you are teaching the most efficient way to run with a pole.

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby grandevaulter » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:15 am

Thanks for the reply VCPV. I took your advice and watched some Timothy Mack vids. He runs tall and appears to strike on the front part of his foot throughout the approach. I have a kid going outside for lessons and bringing back the flat footed run. It is a shock for me. I don't want to condemn this but I find it difficult to work with. The father is heavily involved.

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby vcpvcoach » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:30 am

Ah, parents. I would talk to the parent and have him buy the first Neovault dvd. They filmed the 04 (?) NCAA finals. If possible watch it with the vaulter and parent to point out none of the vaulters run flat footed. Also, point out, how upright they run.
In my camp this summer, I had the younger bother or the girl who holds my schools record. (We are a private school, he attends the public school.) His sister now vaults at U of Illinois and broke the school record as a freshman. This young man is a very good vaulter and made it to our State meet as a sophomore. He traveled with his family to the NCAA Regionals to watch his sister. The first thing he said to me is that he noticed how the college vaulters run upright and on the balls of their feet. He commented that he used to run with a lean. We worked hard on this at our camp.
Good luck.

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby altius » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:37 am

Suggest you get the Beginner to Bubka dvd from Sean Brown at Neovault . shows Bubka et al in numerous jumps.
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby grandevaulter » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:00 pm

I watched some Bubka vids. His foot appears to strike close to flat. Isinbayeva strikes on the ball of her foot. Both run tall and bound between strides. What is your opinion Altius ? Why did Petrov allow the girl to run on the balls of her feet ?

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:29 pm

We coach the approach run as a "push" out of the back, or begin to accelerate immediately, reaching near maximum speed at or near the 6 stride mid. The emphasis is on being tall and posture during the approach. The last six strides will not gain you appreciable gain in velocity, so the best strategy is to try and get your feet down quickly and getting the pole in the appropriate positions at the next to last left, penultimate step and take-off. If you'd like some run drills that help with this just email me at

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby dj » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:13 am

good morning

come out of the back (push)..

get your feet down..

plant big...

this Tully jump is a pretty good example... but could have a little more "push" and be a little more "piston" like/frequency over the last six... from the "MID" in..

he was less aggressive and more "controlled" because of the wind.. indoors or no wind the vaulter should "attack"/accelerate and push.. coming into a more vertical posture at the "MID".. with the foot strike "under" the body over the last six so the athlete can "impulse" up at the takeoff.


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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby tsorenson » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:17 pm

I think that there can be some confusion between running flat-footed (which is bad), running on the toes (which is bad), and running with the foot dorsiflexed and then immediately rolling the foot forward. The latter allows the athlete to use the power in the calf muscles to accelerate through each stride, while maintaining an upright posture and high hip position. I can see where dorsiflexion may appear as flat-footed running, but it really involves driving onto the ball of the foot.

I have seen some vaulters who use a very flat footed, low, forward leaning start to the run, but who then get the posture and hips high before the plant. I'm sure this can work, but don't see a reason for it. Why not get tall and powerful from the first stride?


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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby grandevaulter » Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:11 pm

Thanks for the replies. I have not been on in a while to see the response. I've been coaching Middle school cross country. 30 kids without an assistant. Gettin it done ! The dorsi flex is what I refer to when saying the ball of the foot. The kid that I have coached for two years is striking with the heel clop clop clop until he hits the mid and then straightens up. Drives me crazy.

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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby dj » Mon Jan 16, 2012 5:01 pm


all my new speed and approach run charts are now on my website...

Long Jump Six Stride Mark Chart
Pole Vault Six Stride Mark Chart
Usain Bolt 9.58 sec Stride lenghts to 40 meters

and more.....

more to come


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Re: Approach run form.

Unread postby dj » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:58 pm


i have had some PM questions about my "MID" Chart and would like to share the responses...

"MID" explain

You can use it for any number of steps from 6 (3 lefts) on out..

But is is 6 steps from takeoff… you don't count the touch down at the "MID" (I don't have the athlete count steps)

From the "MID"
……………... ..X……1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..6______box

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 6 steps (3 lefts) your start should/will be right at 41 feet

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 8 steps (4 lefts) your start will be 2 running steps to a 41 foot "MID"

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 10 steps (5 lefts) your start will be 4 running steps to a 41 foot "MID"

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 12 steps (6 lefts) your start will be 6 running steps to a 41 foot "MID"

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 14 steps (7 lefts) your start will be 8 running steps to a 41 foot "MID"

If you can grip 12-3 and jump 12-0 feet from 16 steps (8 lefts) your start will be 10 running steps to a 41 foot "MID"

Side note to get the correct "start" point I simply "run back" from the correct "MID" that matches my speed/grip…

Tim Mack's run for his 2004 5.90 Olympic Trials jump was 18 strides, 83 feet back from a 54-8 "MID" or 137-8 start point.

83 feet for the first 12 step acceleration may have been just a "smidge" stretched but the success speaks for itself and Tim was world class and had it under control…

I had a female 14 foot vaulter with a 16 stride run, a 44 "MID" and a start 47'4" back from the "MID" or @ 91'4"… Her first 10 strides to the "MID" were right on target for natural acceleration.

Hopw this helps explain the "MID" Chart.


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