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video review please

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:48 pm
by barrett1188
thank you in advance for everyone who has a comment/piece of advice about my vaulting. here are the 2 videos, its been 3 weeks since then and i am still stuck on 13' when i know that i should be easily over 13'6 considering the fact that i am using a 14'6 pole.
13 feet-

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:55 pm
by theczar
everything looks really slow....REALLY slow. That pole is giving you no reaction. If I were you i'd get on a stiffer pole.

but everything looks could get the bottom arm stiffer, drive knee up..... but your swing is pretty good.

so get faster and jump higher, get on bigger or stiffer poles

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:00 pm
by barrett1188
yeah i have since then gotten on a stiffer pole, which is a little better but not much, my school doesnt really have anything between a 170 and 190 and the 190 pole is HUGE

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:38 pm
by theczar
barrett1188 wrote: and the 190 pole is HUGE

are you sure about that? I used to jump on a 14-6 175 and then up to a 15 175....but just for the heck of it i jumped onto a 14 190 EZplant, and I now jump 15 on that pole ( i weigh 173)

If the 190 is a 14, you might be able to get on it, and if you do, it will really throw you!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:48 pm
by Carolina21
Looks like near the end of your vault on both jumps you keep your eyes focused on the bar and don't let your shoulders drop all the way back to allow you a full extension up the pole. Watch the last few frames before you start your turn, you stop adding energy to the system and your hips stop moving up the pole in relation to the rest of your body. If you will allow your head and shoulds to come back all the way(don't throw it back but just allow a natural position) to a nuetral position aligned with the rest of your body you will be able to invert to a true vertical position and probably get a few more inches maybe up to a foot out of the pole. Watch some of Bubka's video for comparison he usually let everything hit a very nice extended position and his shoulders and head fell in line with his torso as he finishes the pull. I have been having the same problem with my jumps and when I fixed that small glitch, it made a big difference.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:15 pm
by barrett1188
czar, the 190 pound vaulter at my school has trouble on the 14'6 190 pole, and i am 160. there is a 15 foot 165 that i could try holding down on to see if i get more from it

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:46 pm
by vault3rb0y
all the suggestions so far are right on. You arent getting any release from that pole, looks like its 10 Ibs under your weight. Get farther vertical and take your eyes off the bar and it will throw you a little more. Another thing, on your take off at 13'6 you can hear when your take off foot hits, from heel to toe VERY hard.... and i had this same issue in indoor. It feels like you are putting more force into the ground but it is making you stride your very last step a little, taking away a possible free take off. Think about your last 3 steps being "toe flat jump!", and thats what your feet should do on the runway, your second to last step is flat but your very jump foot should do 2 things.
1.) Come down right underneath your body, some people put their foot out in front a little on their last step and thats ok, but when you take a normal stride length you arent going to give much force into the ground.
2.) When your foot comes right underneath you, think about landing with close to no heel-toe smash, if any. You shouldnt hear a THUNK as your last step, it should be more a "pop".
This is easy to practice, just take 3 steps without a pole and say out loud "toe flat jump", and do all the things above. It will add a ton of power into your vault and you will get on stiffer/longer poles.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:42 pm
by Flying D
wow your situation is just like mine. I am also on a 14'6 pole, and got 13 at states, barely missing 13'6. Looks like both of us just need to get in more. Like the other guys said, everything is slow on ur vault, but you need to somehow get in, maybe pushing out more with ur bottom hand. In my opinion if you get on a stiffer pole you might not get to verticle, so try to get in the pit more with this pole. Good luck.

video advice

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:20 pm
by Vault Chick
I agree with Carolina. You are looking more at the bar, which is what I do. Don't look at the bar, and keep rocking back farther, until your whole body is in line with the pole. What you are doing is not staying back long enough, and are shooting "out" instead of up. Just keep going up the pole, and 13'6" is easy for you.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:39 pm
by euroeva
you're watching the bar. you're shoulders never drop down. maybe you shoudl try runnig faster but i cant really tell from the angle. you should work on the rings. try to invert yourself fully upside down. and maybe swing the leg harder. helps you get upside down faster. i didt see if you turned, but i assume you did since most guys do.---eva

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:15 pm
by vault3rb0y
one more thing.... I notice you get vertical and can stay there pretty well... and you pull the pole so that your top hand comes to your sack, but you arent pulling any farther. Try to keep moving the pole, and pull so that your top hand comes up your stomach and even past your face if you can. Thats where some serious arm muscles will come in, and doing this would be TONS easier on a pole thats stiffer, but try to keep pressure on the pole... dont just get in the position and wait there.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:48 pm
by polevaulter08nw
you don't need to pull untill is he turned a little, pulling is bad but when you get the pole loaded and ahve caught the jump you should be turned a little and then you will go up the pole with the straitening out of your body.