Bending Left Arm

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Bending Left Arm

Unread postby AznPvter » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:59 am

Alright, thanks for all the info on my last post. It seemed to have gone away but I also got 3 different poles that I am using instead.

HOWEVER, my biggest problem has been my left arm NOT bending through the vault. I've had this for over a year now (had it last season). Right after the plant with a strong left arm I continue to fight back on the pole keeping my left arm straight....which means I am unable to rockback into a tuck position and even turn! I made 11' last year w/o turning. This is killing me terribly. I know I have potential to do a lot better but I almost NEVER break my left arm. The only times I've broken it have been when I totally straight pole vault (narrow grip about 2ft wide) and when i get so tired that my left arm breaks slightly at the end of practice.

If anyone has any drills or methods to solve this I would be utterly greatful. I've had this problem forever and it's keeping me back.

Thanks in Advanced

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Re: Bending Left Arm

Unread postby lonestar » Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:30 am

AznPvter wrote:(narrow grip about 2ft wide)

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Unread postby VaultBrad » Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:34 am

how wide is your grip?

one thing you can do is instead of pushing out and locking out, try to push your bottom hand straight up. this will let you move into thd vault easier. a narrower grip(about shouolder width) makes this easier to do.

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Unread postby Lax PV » Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:40 pm

Totally agree with brad... it will also make your swing stronger because you can rotae around your shoulders rather than breaking at the hip as quickly

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short grip

Unread postby ladyvolspvcoach » Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:10 pm

I agree with Brad also!! You should be driving your hands up and towards the back of the pit as aggressively as you can!

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Unread postby AznPvter » Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:04 pm

my grip is usually about shoulder width + 2 inches.

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