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Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:21 pm
by Polevaulter2440
I have been pole vaulting for almost 2 years now. I started at the end of 8th grade and am now in my sophomore year of High School. I haven't been able to PR since last season in April. My PR is 6ft. I have a problem with over striding my last step before my take off, I lean forward when I run, most of the time I am under and I am a major pole hugger. I often get stuck in a pike position also when I vault. I am really determined to PR this season and I will do anything to help myself get better! Any adivce, drills, etc??


Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:53 pm
by rainbowgirl28
Run the 100 meter dash and long jump at every meet you can. You need to learn how to run fast down the runway and jump off the ground!


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:09 pm
by Rosie<3
Hi, i had the same problem as you last year. I am a sophomore as well and i started in spring of Freshman year but i couldn't even clear six. I would never run tall and always stride out in the end. Many factors that caused this was an incorrect pole hold/drop. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and you drop the pole as ayou run down the runway. Also don't start with the pole tip too low because it will be harder to hold. Moreover, running tall was very difficult for me (still is sometimes) but focus on making your first few steps the biggest ones. Don't overstride, but make them your biggest and smaller in the end. Try running wiith your knees higher. A few drills to help with this are high knees 20-20 drill (20 steps in 20 meters), I don't know the technique your coach teaches so i do not want to tell you how you should take-off, but what i learn is to jump up off the left foot, make-space with left arm, swing and pull. Once you get the pull down, you turn naturally, and it helps you go higher. Chin-ups, pull-ups, box jumps and bubkas should help with the jump, swing and pull. :) By the way, i couldn't clear 7' my freshman year when everyone else on the team was clearing it now my PR is 8'6 and i am right up there with all the other girls . So learning all this was really helpful to me.


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:26 pm
by altius
"Last year my coach thought there was no hope for me."

Get a new coach asap!