Collapsing the bottom arm to the inside

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Collapsing the bottom arm to the inside

Unread postby JTred » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:57 pm

I seem to be having trouble collapsing my bottom arm inside the pole to get it out of the way for inverting. It's not a flexibility problem because I can do it fin with a stubby. It just feels very awkward and weak. It seems like I really need to force it to go inside. Am I doomed to continue doing stubby drills until thats all I can do? Or is there something I'm missing?

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:03 pm

Don't jam your elbow in, that is just going to teach you bad habits :no:

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Unread postby ADTF Academy » Wed Feb 01, 2006 9:42 pm

My guess is at the top of the vault as you near inversion you are turning late so your elbow gets in the way. Heck if it is getting in the way that means the pole is near straight and you are turning way to late for a stiff pole. Start the turn sooner and you will rotate your shoulders around the pole and the elbow won't get stuck as much.

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Unread postby Ming3r » Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:01 am

I've got this problem as well. I may be in a slightly different position than you, as I'm inverting as soon as I take off (or at least I try to).

I've found that just practicing having the pole going on the inside (say, use a hockey stuck of hold the bottom of the pole) works out pretty well for me during practice. I can't get it during a meet though...

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Unread postby IndyCoach » Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:11 pm

I would think more about practicing this movement withouth vaulting into the pit. Just do some pop up type drills into the long jump pit working on keeping your elbow in. Also you might be focusing too much on "in" you may want to think more about down and a bit in. I have noticed most kids that have this problem put the elbow WAY out. Let your elbow colapse down and a bit in to allow the pole to run along side of your arm, not so much of your elbow being into the middle of your chest. Hope this helps.

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Unread postby fong520 » Mon Feb 06, 2006 6:59 pm

how do u just collapse it in? when i jump i think i have a problem and i tend to pull with my bottom arm which stops me from getting anywhere close to rocking back and completing my swing.
i run, therefore im buff.

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