
A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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Unread postby Mecham » Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:13 pm

agapit wrote:
Mecham wrote:I can think of a few of things. I guess it only can match up to certain parts of the jump though.

a set of TNT - some small things that when used correctly can make a big event.

As Alan Launder showed, A shoe swinging by the laces and shortening the axis of rotation.

The Soccer thing that was popular in the mid 90's. Kick-Pal or what ever. It had a net and string, the net to put the ball in, and string to hold it by. Long sweeping trail leg, powerful.

A man jumping straight up trying to reach the sky and fly.

I like the image off a continuous TNT chain explosions. Bam bam bam (jump, arms, wrist). This image does not leave room for an idle moment. Packing more TNT into the bams leaving NO TIME BETWEEN the explosions reminds me of the way Bubka jumped. It was quite a site in person.

Frankly, the ESSENCE of the modern (6.40 model) is to minimize the time between explosions while packing more TNT.

By the way a pre jump (free takeoff) is the best way to shorten the time between the first and the second bams.
Like a line of TNT. (cough) Pyro (cough) I like it. So, how many TNT bars would there be? Would it be the 4 phases? or a metaphor that can be used to describe every tiny aspect of the vault? Cause it is all one chain.....
Just you wait...

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