Bendin the pole

A forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to beginning vaulters. If you have been jumping less than a year, this is the forum for you.

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pole bender

Unread postby gogo » Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:16 am

im going to this vaulting camp and i had trouble bending the pole also. scott slover is the coach. he said my problem was i muscled it. he also said not to stick your chest out and be perfectly straight. and the drive knee has to be strong. but i am a girl and i dont know if that makes a difference or not but try it. hopefully i help a little
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Unread postby dont_touch_my_pole » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:37 pm

gogo wrote:im going to this vaulting camp and i had trouble bending the pole also. scott slover is the coach. he said my problem was i muscled it. he also said not to stick your chest out and be perfectly straight. and the drive knee has to be strong. but i am a girl and i dont know if that makes a difference or not but try it. hopefully i help a little

Yeah, my coach told me that I muscled it too. So maybe that's my problem also! THANKS ALOT FOR THE HELP! :D
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Unread postby BigStick Club » Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:46 pm

My coach has always told me to stay strong and push out my chest. Not that it needs to be pushed out all that much.... :crying:

BTB emphasised this too.

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