Fun Drill (Involves trampoline, worked for me)

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Fun Drill (Involves trampoline, worked for me)

Unread postby billserpe » Sat Jun 18, 2005 1:01 am

This is a drill a few friends and I made up one day when we were jumping on a trampoline.

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Simple, you jump, land flat on your back, and when you bounce back up, you kick up your legs, do the 1/2 turn, and land on your feet. It sorta simulates the feeling of a push off and bending around the bar. It really helped me to get my feet above my head when I was trying to invert. Without vaulting for over a month, I PB'd in one practice by 6 inches on a first attempt. It really helped me.

If I can, I'll try to put a video of the drill up.

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Unread postby wakesurfvault » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:49 am

Another drill that I've seen is that you bounce on your back then you basically do a bubka (get inverted) and a half twist and you wind up in a handstand on the trampoline. Just another drill that seems useful.

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Unread postby master » Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:30 pm

I don't know if it has a specific name, but that is a move that I used to do on the trampoline when I was a kid (about 1960). That was a few years before I had ever tried pole vaulting. If you are good at getting a lot of energy out of the trampoline, instead of landing on your feet, you can continue your motion to land on your back again, facing the opposite direction. Try that and see how many times you can keep that sequence going. :)

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Unread postby Mecham » Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:45 pm

I love this drill. What i usually do, to get a better feel of it, is to use an actual pole. A cut off pole that is longer than your hand grip. Our cutoff poles are mostly 2-3 feet(ish) Anyway. If you really want a work out, start on your buttocks and rockback and swing up and work to a push off with the pole. Maybe i can get a video of it up. But its really awesome.
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Unread postby billserpe » Sun Jun 19, 2005 11:55 am

master wrote:I don't know if it has a specific name, but that is a move that I used to do on the trampoline when I was a kid (about 1960). That was a few years before I had ever tried pole vaulting. If you are good at getting a lot of energy out of the trampoline, instead of landing on your feet, you can continue your motion to land on your back again, facing the opposite direction. Try that and see how many times you can keep that sequence going. :)

My friend has done it over 19 times in a row, on a full stomach lol. We're keeping track of the record.

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Unread postby master » Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:49 pm

billserpe wrote:My friend has done it over 19 times in a row, on a full stomach lol. We're keeping track of the record.

:confused: I hope no one had to clean stomach contents off the tramp! :confused: I'm sure I never made it to 19, maybe to 9 though. :P

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Unread postby billserpe » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:07 pm

master wrote:
billserpe wrote:My friend has done it over 19 times in a row, on a full stomach lol. We're keeping track of the record.

:confused: I hope no one had to clean stomach contents off the tramp! :confused: I'm sure I never made it to 19, maybe to 9 though. :P

It's crazy... he goes on forever...

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