Pole Vaulting Clinic, May 29, 2005 at Georgia Tech, George C. Griffin Track with the world renowned Vitaliy Petrov, coach of Sergey Bubka, World Record Holder, 1988 Olympic Gold Medallist, 3 time Indoor World Champion and 6 time Outdoor World Champion. Coach Vitaliy Petrov will be assisted by two time Olympian Dominic Johnson.
I went to the clinic last year and it was awsome. If any of you guys can make it you should go to it. They did a terrible job promoting the clinic last year and there was only about 20 people there, so you had a lot of one on one time with Petrov.
Sorry I didn't think of posting this earlier. If you want more info check out www.dekalbclassic.us
Vitaliy Petrov in Atlanta
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