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protest TV coverage.. lack of...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:50 am
by dj
protest TV coverage.. lack of...

i think it's time to send emails to CBS, USATF and every SPONSOR that shows up on last nights and today's T & F telecast. everyone and 1000s of emails...

it is disgusting and shameful that not even a BLIP was show of jenn's vault.

piss poor ... they can show a baseball player scratching in the outfield (more than once) coaches on the sidelines during football games cursing and stomping, continuos coverage of a football player and his "fighting dogs," ... but NO field event or even vault coverage when it is the top athletic feat of the day.. top... bar none..

it's simple .. USATF and CBS either don't know how to do it right ... which would mean get someone else to do it... or they are prejudice ... which means get someone else to do it...

here's a good question for jill geer. how many UASTF members are field event'ers, which seemingly never get coverage and what percentage are members that get most if not all the coverage?? 50/50 40/60 10/90 ??

after 40 years of the same thing i still get P$$$$$$$$$D


ps that was awesome for jenn and the pole vault.. rick s. we have never met but that is one a$$ kicking job!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:58 am
by Howler
I heard CBS took over taping the meet and their a good chance the womans pole vault will be on today.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:11 am
by BruceFlorman
Yeah, CBS has a 1 hour program scheduled for 1pm EST today. However, I imagine we'll only see her 16' clearance. The sport is "Track & Field" as far as TV is concerned.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:12 pm
by dj

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:24 pm
by newPVer
post an Email and i'll send them some of my mind...

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:43 am
by sooch90
This never did make much sense to me. When people are bored, and they're flipping through the channels, if they see some person running in a race, well not to say that track events are boring, but I don't think it's really gonna catch their attention. I hear so many people say "Oh, track is such a boring event. You're weird if you like to run in circles!"

On the other hand, if people are flipping through channels, and they come across some girl pole vaulting 14ft+ or a guy pole vaulting 18ft+! Then I'm sure they're going to take a moment to stop and watch. The event is simply impressive and interesting. So if TV stations want to make as much money as possible, and to get as many viewers as possible, why wouldn't they show more pole vaulting!?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:20 pm
by theczar
field events make track more interesting to the public. I know if I'm flipping through channels and see people running, I pause for a second, and usually continue on flipping. If I was flippin through and saw shot put, javelin, vault, jumps, etc. I'm definatly going to stop and watch.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:43 pm
by vaultwest
I agree with most of the previous posts although I must say that I do enjoy watching the running events.

I think what drives me crazy the most is all the down time they show us. The endless shots of runners standing around waiting for the starter to call them to their marks with the mindless chatter of the talking heads in the background is enough to drive even the most dedicated fan away from the coverage. And then if there is a false start there is even more meaningless coverage all lthe while there are incredible field event competitions going on.

I was at the Pre meet and recorded the TV coverage and then watched it later that day and I felt like I had been at a totaly different Meet. If the TV people would cover the meet correctly ( and by the way they seem to beable to do it in Europe, so it is not an impossible task to do) I think trackand field could reclaim its position as a major sport here in the US.

I wish we could fix this for the sake of our sport.
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