Earl Bell Spring break camps?

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Earl Bell Spring break camps?

Unread postby goose » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:09 pm

Who all is going to the bell spring break camps? I"m going march 15-18 soo happy, I love his camps..

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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:42 pm

Im going this weekend on 8-9. We have to drive like 12 hours or something right after a track meet on friday. :eek:

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Unread postby dubjones » Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:37 pm

Still got your Bell Athletics training log? Better bring it, or feel my wrath.

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Unread postby goose » Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:21 pm

hey my training log from last year is like almosted trash and you didn't get me a new one at the uncw pole vault camp.

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Unread postby dubjones » Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:04 pm

Excuses,Excuses,Excuses. Bring your old log, I'll put your old pages in a new one, so you can keep it all together. Gotta' keep some records, it will help you, and us.
I should start a thread about those logs. They are a big help in finding out what works and what dosen't work, and they save a lot of wasted jumps trying to figure out runs, grips, poles, ect...all that info is already there.
You should see EB's logs. He has them from the mid 70's until now. 100's of pages of info, and some extra stuff that is just plain fun.


Unread postby zack » Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:10 pm

Yeah I'd like to know about these logs. I've done logs for cross country but never for PV.

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Unread postby vaulter580 » Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:35 pm

You had a log for cross country, but don't keep one for the pole vault! That is scary.
Here is the basic info you need to keep.
Date-of course
Run-how many steps, measured, so if you are jumping from 10 steps, it is measured at say 71ft. So you have each run, measured in your book and know where to start from for each.
Mid Mark-where is it from the run you are using?
Pole- what pole/poles did you jump on?
Grip- where were you holding on those poles.
Height-made/attemped, just a bungee ect...
Standard placement-where did they work.
Notes-how you felt ect.
These are just some of the basics, there is more to it but this is what you NEED, minimum.

With this info you will know where to start from every run, where your mid should be, what pole to start on, how high to hold, your PR from that run, how high you jumped last time from that run. ect...... Also you will know what works and what didn't work.
Example, last work out I ran from 10steps, 70'6", mid of 37', holding 14-10, on an 19.0, standards at 70cm, felt good, had trouble making a solid move to right hand right hip. Next pole was a tad big, came down on 16-9 twice with standards at 55cm.
So I know when I go out to jump on Monday I need to work on a solid move to right hand right hip, hit a mid of about 37, and start my run about 70-6. I need a big blow through before I move to the next pole, or I need to find a pole in between because the next pole was a bit big.
I do not, repeat, do not, have to go out monday, and guess about anything, it is all right there in my log.

Not having a log is one of the dumbest ideas in the world. Not knowing where to start from, or what pole to jump on, how high to hold, means wasted jumps, and possible injury from broken poles, getting monkey rolled ect.... Why waste jumps? If you have jumped before you should have that info, not need to make new info every time you jump.
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Unread postby vaulter580 » Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:37 pm

Sorry, that was me, Dub on that last post, not Brad. I'm on his computer, and signed in as him. Sorry, it was me who called everyone without a training log dumb, hope your not too ofended, not him.

Arkansas State University

sign yo pitty on da runny kine!!!


Unread postby zack » Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:27 am

Thanks dude.

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