Random Texas High School Results

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Random Texas High School Results

Unread postby lonestar » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:41 pm

At Becca's request! :dazed:

From TexasTrack.com - www.texastrack.com:

Plano East Inv. - 1. Cowser, Carr. R. L. Turner, 14-00.00

Angleton Purnell Relays

South San Relays
Boys: 1, Demmer, Floresville 11-6; 2, Moreno, Harlandale 11-0; 3, Villa, McCollum 10-6.
Girls: 1, Hubbert, Floresville 8-0; 2, Tores, Harlandale 7-6; 3, Martinez, Harlandale 7-6.

La Pryor Bulldog Relays
Boys: 1, K. Avery, Pearsall 10-6; 2, M. Soto, Cotulla 10-0; 3, B. Johnson, Nueces Canyon 10-0.
Girls: 1, K. Wilson, Rocksprings 7-6; 2, A. Martinez, Pearsall 6-6; 3, C. Niaves, Cotulla 6-0.

Medina Valley Panther Relays
Boys: 1, Hopf, Llano 12-0; 2, Rodriguez, Comfort 9-6.
Girls: 1, Warren, Navarro 9-0 ; 2, Peek, Navarro 8-6; 3, Gallegos, Medina Valley 8-0.

Hoot Smith Relays
1 Carroll CHHS 14'0
2 Taylor Gvine 13'6
2 Mann Bell 13'6
4 Papagno Haltom 13'6
5 Hogue LHS 13'0
6 Willett Gvine 13'0
1 Shockey HHS 8'6
2 Lybrand Bell 7'4

Decatur Eagle Relays
1st Pucciarello Argyle 11' 0"
2nd Handler Argyle 10' 0"

Glen Rose Tiger Relays
Boys: 1, Givens (Brewer) 12-0; 2, Nichols (Clifton) 10-6
Girls: 1, Davidson (Joshua) 10-0; 2, Wells (Eastland) 9-6; 3, Henderson (Clifton) 9-0

Maypearl Panther Relays
1st - Porter - Maypearl - 15'-6"
2nd - Burchard - Maypearl - 11'-0"
3rd - Aaron - Crandall - 10'-0"
4th - Williams - Maypearl - 9'-6"
5th - Ragsdale - Crandall - 9'-6"
1st - Bailey - Maypearl - 7'-0"
2nd - Palmer - Venus - 6'-6"

Lubbock Cooper Pirate Relays
Boys: 1. Ehlers (Cooper) 11’0 2. Santoyo (Cooper) 11’0 3. Hall (Littlefield) 10’6 4. Brown (Littlefield) 9’6
Girls: 1. Cowart (Muleshoe) 8’6

Bonham Meet

1 Wade Hayes - Bon 14'6"
2 Price - MV 11'0"
3 Josh Anderson - Bon 11'0"
4 Ian Atkinson - 9'6"
5 Holt - MV 9'6"
6 Jered Hudson - Bon 9'0"
1 Melton - Bells 7'6"
2 Hutcheson - Bells 7'6"
3 Rae Lynn McFarlin - Bon 7'6"
4 Ala Bray - Bon 7'6"
5 Hawley - Bells 7'6"
6 Skillman - MV 7'0"

Border Olympics

1 Velasquez, Fidel Alexander HS 14-00.00 14-00.00 10
2 De Luna, Andres Del Rio HS 13-06.00 13-06.00 8
3 Gutierrez, Ryan United H S 12-06.00 12-06.00 6
4 Jasso, Andy Martin HS 12-06.00 J12-06.00 4
5 Gutierrez, Kevin United H S 12-00.00 12-00.00 2
6 Guevara, Jaron Westlake HS 12-00.00 J12-00.00 1
1 Santos, Elisa Roe United H S 8-06.00 8-06.00 10
2 Guerrero, Elisa Westlake HS 8-00.00 8-00.00 8
3 Hiles, Kara Rio Grande C 7-06.00 7-06.00 6
4 Echavaria, Sasha Rio Grande C 7-00.00 7-00.00 4
5 Garza, Lindsay Uvalde HS 7-00.00 J7-00.00 2
6 Camarillo, Michelle Nixon HS 7-00.00 J7-00.00 1
7 Zapico, Ashley Nixon HS 7-00.00 J7-00.00
8 Pequeno, Amanda Donna HS 7-00.00 J7-00.00
Last edited by lonestar on Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Lone Star PV Club Results 3/3-5

Unread postby lonestar » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:44 pm

Our Lone Star PV Club kids only:

Medina Valley Meet:
1st - Casee Warren - Navarro - 9'0
2nd - Kara Peek - Navarro - 8'6

Akins HS Meet - Austin:

1st - Paige Wirth - Bowie - 10'0
2nd - Jessica Ekstrom - Bowie - 9'6

Lockhart Middle School Meet:
7th Grade Boys:
1st - Jonathan Johnson -Dahlstrom - 8'0 - pr - 1st meet ever!
8th Grade Boys:
4th? - Greg San Miguel - Dahlstrom - 7'6 - pr?
8th Grade Girls:
1st - Erin Johnson - Dahlstrom - 8'0 - pr
2nd - Leah Cromwell - Dahlstrom - 7'6 - pr?

Border Olympics HS Division

1st - Fidel Velasquez - Laredo Alexander - 14'0 - outdoor pr

Texas State HS Meet - San Marcos:
1st - Ari Ince - Gonzales - 10'6
2nd - Ashlee Thomasson - Wimberley - 10'0

Lockhart HS Meet:

1st - Jessica Doyle - Hays - 12'0 - lifetime pr! Ties Ari Ince's Texas freshman record from 2004
2nd - Lauren Lucas - Round Rock - 11'0
3rd - Tie - Bailey Holmes and Dominique Robles - Hays - 10'6 - Lifetime pr for Bailey! - Outdoor pr for Dom!
Photos at: http://www.lonestarladydragonspolevault ... art_05.htm
4th? - Clayton Jones - Hays - 12'0 - lifetime pr!

Marble Falls Meet
1st - Laura Koenig - New Braunfels - 10'6
2nd - Lauren Marks - ? - 10'0 - lifetime pr!
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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More results from 3/5...

Unread postby lonestar » Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:12 am

Marble Falls Mustang Relays
Girls: 1, Laura Koenig (New Braunfels) 10-6; 2, Aimee Maple (Fredericksburg) 8-0; 3, Sheena Ottmers (Fredericksburg) 7-6
J.V. Girls: 1, Lauren Marks (Brentwood Christi) 10'0
1 Weirich, Victor Fredericksburg 14-00.00 10
2 Bradley, Sean Fredericksburg 12-06.00 8
3 Eddy, Chris Kerrville Tivy 12-00.00 6
4 Blakeman, Levi New Braunfels Hi J12-00.00 4
5 Sanchez, Gumaro Fredericksburg 11-06.00 2
6 West, JW Lampasas High Sc J11-06.00 1
7 Morrow, Brad Brentwood Cristi J11-06.00
8 Wagner, Keith Lampasas High Sc 11-00.00
J.V. Boys:
1 Weirich, Josh Fredericksburg 12-00.00 10
2 Scott, Chris Kerrville Tivy 10-00.00 8
3 Bradshaw, Jacob Marble Falls J10-00.00 6
4 Batiste, Melvin Lampasas High Sc 9-06.00 4
5 Nyerges, Randy Dripping Springs 9-00.00 2
6 Harbin, Seth Marble Falls 8-00.00 1

Troy Trojan Relays
1. Wilson Evant 7'6"
2. Key Franklin 7'0"
3. Burleson Reicher 6'6"
Boys:1. Johns, R Troy 9'6"

Coppell Relays
Varsity Girls - contested indoors:
1 Kelly, Darby Carroll Dragons 12-00.00 3.65m 10
2 Keith, Kristen Carroll Dragons 11-06.00 3.50m 8
3 Harris, Jillian Marcus High School 9-06.00 2.89m 6
4 Larabee, Alex Rowlett High School J9-06.00 2.89m 3
4 Valenta, Natalie Keller High School J9-06.00 2.89m 3
6 Lancaster, Morgan Keller High School J9-06.00 2.89m 1
-- Hawkins, Chelsea Keller High School NH
-- Robinson, Heather Carroll Dragons NH
-- Paine, Marilynn Marcus High School NH
-- Vaughn, Carli Marcus High School NH
-- Morgan, Jasmine Coppell Cowboys NH
-- Wilcocks, Meagan Creekview NH
-- Ly-Yen, Thai Rowlett High School NH
Junior Varsity Girls - contested indoors:
1 Ellis, Mallory Carrol jv 9-06.00 2.89m 10
2 Aamodt, Lauren Keller JV 9-00.00 2.74m 8
3 Costine, Chelcy Marcus JV 8-06.00 2.59m 6
4 Myers, Natalie Keller JV J8-06.00 2.59m 4
5 Wilt, Rebecca Coppell JV 8-00.00 2.43m 2
6 Carter, Kaitlyn Creekview JV 7-06.00 2.28m 1
-- Nguyen, Theresa Marcus JV NH
-- Austin, Jill Marcus JV NH
-- Jeske, Stephanie Carrol jv NH

-- Patel, Sarika Coppell JV NH
-- Williams, Olivia Keller JV NH
-- Osborne, Megan Carrol jv NH
Varsity Boys - contested outdoors:
1 Buddin, Jarrod Carroll Dragons 15-00.00 4.57m 10
2 Allison, Andrew Keller High School 12-06.00 3.81m 8
3 Greaves, Kenny Coppell Cowboys 12-00.00 3.65m 6
4 Johnson, Jordan Keller High School J12-00.00 3.65m 4
5 Clark, Tim Marcus High School 11-06.00 3.50m 2
6 Wilke, Nathan Marcus High School J11-06.00 3.50m 1
-- Simpson, Scott Carroll Dragons NH
-- Miller, Kevin Jesuit Prep NH
-- Simpson, Brandon Creekview NH
-- Rives, Jacob Coppell JV NH
-- Brown, Andrew Marcus High School NH
Junior Varsity Boys - contested outdoors:
1 Rodriguez, Jeffrey Fossil Ridge JV 12-00.00 3.65m 10
2 Lamb, Brendan Fossil Ridge JV 11-06.00 3.50m 8
3 Leonard, Doug Marcus JV J11-06.00 3.50m 6
4 Ammons, Keaton Keller JV 11-00.00 3.35m 4
5 Wagner, Coleman Marcus JV 10-00.00 3.04m 2
6 Mayuex, Corey Keller JV 9-06.00 2.89m 1
7 Vanbreemen, Joe Carrol jv J9-06.00 2.89m
-- Pelky, Chris JesuitPrep jv NH
-- Lanigan, Scott Coppell JV NH
-- Leonard, Dan Marcus JV NH
-- Quarentello, Rob Keller JV NH
-- Martin, Chad Coppell JV NH

Friona Chieftain Relays
1 M WILLS Dimmitt 13'00"
2 A MONREAL Friona 11'00"
3 Guvara Bovina 09'06"
1 T NOLTE Farwell 6'06"
2 M CARTHEL Friona 6'06"
Texas State High School Invitational
Varsity Girls:
1 Ari Ince Gonzales HS 10-06.00 3.20m 10
2 Ashlee Thomasson Wimberley HS 10-00.00 3.04m 8
3 Emmy Voosen Canyon HS 9-06.00 2.89m 6
4 Amanda Ullrich Smithson Valley 8-06.00 2.59m 4
5 Logan Planty Smithson Valley 8-00.00 2.43m 2
-- Amber Algumn Smithson Valley NH
Junior Varsity Girls:
1 Kelsey Altenhoff Canyon HS 8-06.00 2.59m 10
2 Jen Scholl St. Michael's Ac 7-00.00 2.13m 8
3 Keely Anderson Smithson Valley 6-06.00 1.98m 6
-- Alexis Rodriguez Smithson Valley NH
-- Baylee Becker Canyon HS NH
Varsity Boys:
1 Matt Williams Hemphill HS 13-00.00 3.96m 10
2 Kyle Bialek Austin Lake Trav 12-06.00 3.81m 8
3 Scott Neitfeld Burnet HS 12-00.00 3.65m 6
4 Curtis Toner Burnet HS 11-06.00 3.50m 4
5 Kirk Covey McCallum HS 11-00.00 3.35m 2
-- Jason Laurent Austin Lake Trav NH
-- Trampus Smith Smithson Valley NH
-- Kyle Peace Canyon HS NH
Junior Varsity Boys:
1 Nick Graff Smithson Valley 12-00.00 3.65m 10
2 Tyler Schuetz Canyon HS 11-06.00 3.50m 8
3 Jacob LaChappelle Smithson Valley 11-00.00 3.35m 6
4 Cody Cooper McCallum HS 10-06.00 3.20m 4
5 Josh Terrell Smithson Valley 10-00.00 3.04m 2
-- Jackson Dean Austin Lake Trav NH
-- Louis Porter Austin Lake Trav NH
-- Andrew Sharpe Bandera HS NH
-- Michael Groff Bandera HS NH

Cross Plains Pioneer Relays
Boys: 1. Taylor, Strawn, 14; 2. Horton, Cross Plains, 13-6; 3. McBride, Albany, 12; 4. Baker, Albany, 11; 5. Mallory, Strawn, 10.
Girls: 1. Holub, Strawn, 8-0; 2. Johnson, Albany, 7-0.

Alice Hub City Relays
Division 1 Boys: 1. D. Bellows, Refugio, 13’; 2. Joey Garcia, Zapata, 12’6; 3. M. Krietsch, George West, 12’6;
Division 2 Boys:1. K. McClure, Cal, 10’6; 2. P. Blackmar, Carroll, 10’0; 3. J. Gutierrez, Zapata, 9’0;
Division 1 Girls: 1. N. Moreno, Mathis, 9’6; 2. K. Nix, Cal, 7’6; 3. B. Smith, Cal, 7’6;
Division 2 Girls: Pole vault: 1. Monroe, George West, 8’0; 2. Vansickly, Cal, 7’0; 3. Wratislaw, Calhoun, 7’0;

Mineral Wells Ram Relays
Boys: 1. Trey Schur, Vernon, 12-00.
Girls: 1. Sage Lasater, Stephenville, 9-06.

Pantego Panther Relays
Boys: 1. Jeff Walke, Little Elm, 13-00.
Girls: 1. Katie Emler, Arl. Pantego, 9-0

Lancaster Invitational
Boys: 1. C. Johnson, Lancaster, 9-6

Alvarado Invitational
Boys: 1. Brewer, Alvarado 13'-9"
Girls: 1. Brown, Summit 8'-0"

All Saints Classic
Boys: 1. Bobby Annas, Arl. Oakridge, 10-0
Girls: 1. Sara Kleberg, FW Country Day, 10-0

Beaumont YMBL Relays
Boys: 1. Earnest Wilson , WO-S, 11-0; 2. Dewayne Mark, Lufkin , 10-1.
Girls: 1. Fawn Turk, Ned, 8-6; 2. Ashley Cole, PA Mem, 6-0.

Barbers Hill Relays
Boys: 1. Shandy-Kerby, Anahuac, 12-6; 2. Landry, Anahuac, 12-6; 3. David Schuldt, PN-G 12-0.
Girls: Lawrence, Anahuac, 8-6; 2. Rhodes, Barbers Hill, 8-0; 3. Hanson, Splendora, 7-6.

Clay Jones Invitational
Boys: 1. Hicks, Forney, 13
Girls: 1. Cluiss, Forney, 11

Carl Norris Relays
Boys: 1. David Cochran, Lake Highlands, 12-6.

East Central Invitational
Boys: 1, Rob Housler, Judson 13-02; 2, Misha Chansenbath, Judson 13-01; 3, Bryan Brattlof, Boerne 12-06.
Girls: 1, (tie) Marilyn Greene, Boerne and Jessica Warren, Boerne 7-06; 3, Alicia Copes, Boerne 7.

Yoakum Tom Tom Relays
Boys: 1, Mathis, Yoakum 15-0; 2, Coffey, Cuero 13-6; 3, Glass, Gonzales 13-6.
Girls: 1, Hermes, Victoria Memorial 10; 2, Adamek, Yoakum 9-6; 3, Kilgore, Victoria Memorial 8-6.

Lyford Bulldog Invitational
Boys: Tommy Wolfe, Raymondville 13-0; Dominic Recco, MMA 10-6; Justin Toth, MMA 10-0; George Lopez, Raymondville 8-6; Richard Rodriguez, La Villa 8-0.
Girls: Jessica Anglada, Port Isabel 5-6; Dunia Yunez, Port Isabel 5-6

Hawkins Hawk Relays
Boys: 1, Kyle Hanes (Hooks)( 13-0.
Girls: 1, Jennifer Day (Pleasant Grove)
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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more results...

Unread postby lonestar » Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:13 am

St. John's Relays
1 157 Sarah Gentsch JR Greenhill 10-00.00 10
2 60 Kade Devine JR Duchesne 9-06.00 8
3 240 Bryn Snyder JR Northland 9-00.00 6
4 158 Natalie Jacobs JR Greenhill 9-00.00 5
5 215 Sammi Phillips SR Lutheran South 7-06.00 3.5
5 293 Christine Teague Ft. Bend 7-06.00 3.5
7 419 Stephanie Melton St.John's 7-06.00 2
8 571 Hannah Rosenthal Kinkaid 7-00.00 1
9 184 Monica Thatcher SO Cooper 6-06.00
9 127 Kendra Hamby SO Faith West 6-06.00
9 180 Sheri Balsera SO Cooper 6-06.00
12 433 Grace Wessels St.John's 6-00.00
12 99 Rachel Gibbs SO Concordia 6-00.00
12 572 Virginia Simmons Kinkaid 6-00.00
12 126 Katlin Sigler SO Faith West 6-00.00
-- 153 Ashley Rape FR Greenhill NH
-- 4 Jennifer Legan JR St. Mary's Hall NH

1 325 Derek Schutz 10 St.Thomas 13-06.00 10
2 28 Blaine Finley 10 St.John's 13-00.00 8
3 137 Keaton Dunker JR Greenhill 12-00.00 6
4 332 Daniel Loomis 12 St.Thomas 12-00.00 5
5 135 Zach Abel JR Greenhill 12-00.00 4
6 124 Wes Wheat JR Faith West 11-06.00 3
7 594 Chad Bowen St.Thomas 10-06.00 2
8 490 Patrick Phillips Episcopal 9-00.00 1
9 36 Vincent Lujan 9 St.John's 9-00.00
9 222 John Burns SR Lutheran South 9-00.00
11 542 David Zimmerman Greenhill 8-06.00
12 91 Michael Reimer FR Concordia 8-00.00
-- 140 AJ Rush JR Greenhill NH
-- 318 Drew Doonan 10 St.Thomas NH

Gregory-Portland Wildcat Relays

Boys: 1. Jeff Steckler, Rockport, 12’6; 2. Caleb Shrader, GP, 12’0; 3. Greg Strube, GP, 12’0;

Girls: 1. Samantha Guajardo, Three Rivers, 8’6; 2. Brittany Gordon, Rockport, 8’0;
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:53 pm

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Unread postby lonestar » Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:07 pm

Pharr Tri-City Invitational
Girls: 1, Jennifer Perez (PSJA Memorial) 7-0; 2, Sandra De La Rosa (Weslaco East) 7-0; 3, Ana Reynoso (Sharyland) 7-0
Boys:1, Ruben Lopez (Economedes) 13-0; 2, Jacob Villarreal (Economedes) and Luis Rodriguez (Economedes) 12-6

Brownsville Meet of Legends
Girls: 1, Kelsea David (Harlingen) 11-6; 2, Kendra Lee (Harlingen) 8-6; 3, Dena Sehores (Harlingen South) 8-6
Boys: 1, Jonathan Gulley (St. Joseph) 16-2; 2, Frank Chapa (RGC) 13-0; 3, Chris Garza (Los Fresnos) 13-0

Jacksonville Tribe Relays
Girls Varsity: 1, Whitney Friel, Nacogdoches, 10; 2, Amanda Harris, Gladewater, 9; 3, J. Belrose, Center, 8.
Boys Varsity: 1, Cord Lucas, Rusk, 9-6; 2, Broadway, Center, 9; 3, Mark Jones, Gladewater, 9.
Boys Junior Varsity: 1, Clarke Lowery, Lufkin, 11; 2, Pope, Carthage, 9; 3, David Ford, Rusk, 8-6.

Seguin Cougar Relays
Girls Varsity:
1 Gancayco, Kathleen BOWIE 11-00.00 10
2 Womack, Stephanie ARLINGTON 9-06.00 8
3 Guerreo, Nina BOWIE 9-00.00 6
4 Simpson, Lyndsey LANCASTER 8-06.00 4
-- Hawkins, Jazmine CEDAR HILL NH
Girls Junior Varsity:
1 Thompson, Monica BIRDVILLE 7-06.00 10
-- Kay, Paula CEDAR HILL NH
Boys Varsity:
1 Otero, Ryan BIRDVILLE 12-08.00 10
-- Boyce, Josh CEDAR HILL NH
Boys Junior Varsity:
1 Tavo, Leo BIRDVILLE 10-00.00 10
2 Clark, Tim CEDAR HILL 9-06.00 8
3 Pitstick, Price AHS J9-06.00 6
-- Frazier, Wes BIRDVILLE NH
-- Hamilton, Julian SEGUIN NH
-- Gifford, Justin CEDAR HILL NH

Walter Heintschel Relays
Boys: 1. Ed Sanchez (Bush) 13’6â€Â
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Unread postby lonestar » Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:12 pm

Lockhart Lion Relays
Girls: 1, Doyle, Jessica, Hays High School, 12-00. 2, Lucas, Lauren, Round Rock High, 11-06. 3, Holmes, Bailey, Hays High School, 10-06. 3, Robles, Dominique, Hays High School, 10-06. 5, Daily, Alyson, Lockhart High Sc, 9-06. 5, Bruneau, Margie, Samuel Clemens H, 9-06
Boys: 1, Colwick, Jason, San Marcos High, 13-09. 2, Gyllenband, Ryan, Luling High School, 13-00. 3, Stacks, Brandon, Hays High School, 12-06. 4, Jones, Clayton, Hays High School, 12-00. 5, Kennedy, Tim, Samuel Clemens H, 11-00. 6, Pundt, John, Samuel Clemens H, 10-06

Bellville Brahma Relays
Girls: 1. Landers - Sealy - 10' 0" / 2.Brinkman - Caldwell - 8' 6" / 3.Coggins - Sealy - 7' 0"
Boys: 1.Stengel - Foster-LCISD - 12' 6" / 2. Simmons - Caldwell - 12' 0 3. Ofezarzak, Matt - Caldwell - 12' 0"

McKinney ISD Relays
1ST Trujillo Martin 12'0"
2ND Parker MHS 12'0"
3RD B.Miller Rock 11'0"
4TH A.Smith MHS 10'0"
5TH Sabrsula Rock 9'6"
6TH Francis/Karr Rock/Frisco 8'0"

Wellington Skyrocket Relays
Girls: 1. Johnson, Wellington, 8-6. 2. Otts, Shamrock, 7-0.
Boys: 1. Choat, Quanah, 10-0. 2. Lee, McLean, 9-0. 3. Richardson, McLean, 8-6.

Lubbock Invitational

5A Girls: 1. Shannon Arnold, Midland, 11-0. 2. Samantha Allen, AHS, 10-6. 3. Whitney Gabert, AHS, 8-6.
4A Girls:1. Brittany Butler, Hereford, 9-9. 3. Danielle Nolles, Dumas, 8-0.
5A Boys: 1. Derek Solarski, AHS, 14-6.
4A Boys:1. Johnathan Paschal, Hereford, 11-0.

Wildcat Relays
Girls: 1. Finley, Gruver, 9-6. 2. R. Bumpas, Sunray, 9-0. 3. E. Bumpas, Sunray, 7-0.
Boys: 1. Petty, White Deer, 11-0. 2. Hodges, White Deer, 10-0. 3. Whiteley, Sunray, 9-0.
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:31 pm

http://www.herald-coaster.com/articles/ ... orts03.txt

HOUSTON - Terry finished seventh at the Bayshore Olympics high school track and field meet.

Pole Vault: 1. Kelly, La Porte, 12-0; 2. Woddell, Sterling, 11-6; 3. Calhoun, Stratford, 11-6; 4. Esparza, Terry, 10-6; 5. Flessner, Terry, 10-0.

http://www.herald-coaster.com/articles/ ... orts02.txt

BELLVILLE - The Foster varsity boys track team won seven events and took first place at Friday's Brahma Relays, hosted by Bellville High School.

Pole Vault: 1. Clint Stengel, 12-6.

Bulldogs take 5th

ALIEF - Austin's youth continued to show progress at the Alief Relays held at Crump Stadium.

Junior Landon Lansford had a personal best of 12-6 in the pole vault, tying a school record

http://www.herald-coaster.com/articles/ ... orts01.txt

NEEDVILLE - Needville's historical success at the Bluejay Relays is an accomplishment in of itself. Still, head boys track coach Scott Moody longed for tougher competition.

Varsity Boys
Pole Vault: 1. Deberry, East Bernard, 13-0; 2. Bienek, Needville, 11-6; 3. Krestce, East Bernard, 11-6

Varsity Girls
Pole Vault: 1. B.Dickson, La Vernia, 10-6; 2. H.Black, Needville, 9-0; 3. C.Dickson, La Vernia, 9-0; 5. Nunez, East Bernard, 8-0; 6. Trilicek, Needville, 7-6.

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Unread postby lonestar » Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:24 am

Needville Bluejay Relays

Girls: 1, B. Dickson (La Vernia) 10-6; 2, Black (Needville) 9-0; 3, C. Dickson (La Vernia)

Boys: 1, Deberry (East Bernard) 13-0; 2, Bienek (Needville) 11-6; 3, Krestce (East Bernard) 11-6
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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I'm in Charge
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Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:29 pm

http://www.herald-coaster.com/articles/ ... orts02.txt

Varsity Boys
Pole Vault: 1. Schwartz, Brazos and Sandman, Bellville, 10-6; 3. Parsons, Columbus, 10-0.

Varsity Girls
Pole Vault: 1. Landers, Sealy, 10-6; 2. Hoelscher, Rice, 9-0; 3. Kana, Columbus, 8-0.

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I'm in Charge
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Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:27 pm

http://www.myplainview.com/n2w/parsed/s ... time.shtml

PHS junior Jim West set a new school record of 12-0 in the pole vault Saturday in the Bulldog Relays.

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I'm in Charge
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Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:27 pm

http://www.terrelltribune.com/articles/ ... orts01.txt

Erin Cluiss continued a her seasonlong string of success by winning the pole vault with a top height of 10-6, besting her nearest foe by a foot.

Shelby Hicks was second in the pole vault at 13-6. Hicks finished two feet behind the area's top vaulter, Nick Frawley of Midlothian.

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