Meet at Roscoe HS

A forum to discuss pole vaulting or anything else relating to Texas

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I'm in Charge
Posts: 30435
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
Lifetime Best: 11'6"
Gender: Female
World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
Location: A Temperate Island

Meet at Roscoe HS

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:57 pm ... sports.txt

Roscoe track meet Saturday

Roscoe High School will host a summer track meet this Sat-urday, June 18 starting with field events at 9 a.m.

There will be six age divisions -- 8-under, 10-under, 12-under, 14-under, 16-under and 18-under -- for both boys and girls. Age classifications will be based on the year the athlete was born, and a boy or girl must participate in only one age division. The cost is $3 per event for each participant and no jewelry is allowed.

A scratch meeting will be held at 8:15 a.m. Field events will in-clude long jump (all ages), high jump (all ages), shot put (10-under and up), discus (14-under and up), pole vault (14-under and up) and triple jump (ages 14-under and up).

The running events, which will begin at the conclusion of the field events, include the 3200-meter run (ages 14-under and up), 80-meter hurdles (girls and boys 12-under), 100 hurdles (girls 14-under and up), 110 hurdles (boys 14-under and up), 400 relay (all ages), 50-meter dash (girls and boys 8-under), 800-meter dash (all ages), 100-meter dash (all ages), 400-meter dash (all ages), 300-meter hurdles (14-under and up), 200-meter dash (all ges), 1600-meter run (ages 10-under and up) and 1600-meter relay (ages 10-under and up). When possible, running heats will be combined.

A concession stand will be available for drinks only. For more information, contact Roscoe athletic director Wes Williams at (325) 766-3844 or at

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