Ariana Ince/Dowlbo Bellows State Meet Article

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Ariana Ince/Dowlbo Bellows State Meet Article

Unread postby lonestar » Sat May 14, 2005 8:48 am

There are some great photos along with the story if you go to and click on on "UIL State Track and Field Championships"

The full article is at: but I've edited out all the non-vaulting stuff here.

Gold rush to Class 3A title

May 14, 2005
Advocate Sports Writer

Gonzales' Ari Ince, above, clears the bar during Friday's Class 3A pole vault competition at the UIL State Track and Field Championships in Austin. Ince defended her title and set a new Class 3A record by clearing 12 feet, 6 inches. Below, Moulton's Nic Rodriguez runs to third place in the Class 1A 3,200-meter run at Mike A. Myers Stadium.

Gonzales' Ari Ince not only repeated as the girls Class 3A pole vault champion, but also broke the record she set last year in the process.

Refugio's Dowlbo Bellows and Palacios' Stephanie Camp won silver medals. Bellows finished second in the boys Class 2A pole vault and Camp was second in the girls Class 3A shot put.

Ince's chances of defending her pole vault title were in jeopardy when Rockdale's Leslie Starnes cleared 12 feet, 3 inches on her third attempt. But Ince matched the feat and then set a new record by clearing 12-6 on her third attempt.

"I just really didn't want to see my record go down," Ince said. "It was a dogfight. But my form is a lot better than last year, I'm also a lot quicker and a lot stronger."

Bellows was practicing for the pole vault last week when he landed on his rear end, which left him extremely sore going into the meet. But it couldn't prevent him from clearing 14-6, his best vault of the season.

"I've been in therapy all week," Bellows said. "But that was my best vault. That's when you want to peak, at the state meet."
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Unread postby BritDawg » Sat May 14, 2005 7:34 pm

Ari's a stud!!! way to go!!!
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Unread postby achtungpv » Sat May 14, 2005 9:46 pm

Overbending a 16'/190:

"You have some interesting coaching theories that seem to have little potential."

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