Jessica Doyle-12'6!

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Unread postby PVJESS08 » Wed May 04, 2005 9:27 pm

lonestar wrote: ...less than the length of your cellphone

That makes it less intimidating to think of it that way!

SEAN!!!!! hahahaha!!!!!!! :eek:

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Unread postby lonestar » Wed May 04, 2005 9:33 pm

PVJESS08 wrote:
lonestar wrote: ...less than the length of your cellphone

That makes it less intimidating to think of it that way!

SEAN!!!!! hahahaha!!!!!!! :eek:

Actually, it's SHAWN - the hooked-on-phonics spelling ;)

Besides, we call him DEV anyway!
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Unread postby PVJESS08 » Wed May 04, 2005 9:36 pm

haha ok then DEV!!!!!! :eek: haha ;)

And i did rethink those goals! Thanks Kris - and everyone!

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Unread postby achtungpv » Wed May 04, 2005 10:46 pm

Seriously, I haven't been called by my first name in like 10 years. Nearly forgot what it was.
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Unread postby blakedow » Wed May 04, 2005 11:32 pm

Cold comments Dev... it's is what all of us are thinking and just arent saying... Jess, you rock no matter what happens... We are all going to be there rooting you on, and WHEN you win, we will all celebrate with you afterwards!!! Just remember, leave everything you got out on the track on the 14th, and if you give it all you got, things will go your way... Also, it wouldnt be a bad idea to go ahead and wear the headband ;) ... Go for the gold Jess!!!
4.75... Write THAT down...

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