Was the pit used at Arcadia Invite Legal???

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Was the pit used at Arcadia Invite Legal???

Unread postby advath » Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:14 am

Those standards are all the way back. Does the main pad have to be 19'8" wide or can you fill it in with a longer base protecter pad? Are those bases 10 feet long? Is that pit legal? Does that mean schools can put a spacer to make the front buns deaper, use shorter main pads and add a 10' long base pad? I don't think so. Or are those standard bases 10' long?

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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Mon Apr 14, 2003 6:17 pm

I dont care if thats legal, I would vault at that place. Thats nothing. In texas I have seen much worse than that.
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Legal yes or no

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sun Apr 20, 2003 12:11 pm

As the rule reads this is a legal pit.
The area behind the base protection pads is greater than 19'8". But the areas are located very far back as this styel pit has front units that are 11' long and back units 11' long.

It does meet the rules, but does raise the question as to if they may need a sturdier standard pad for additional padding?

These base pads that are made by PORTapit when wet sag too much and a new design would be preferred.

JUST MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS as I used to be the GM at PORTaPIT and I did not like the base pads then either but was not able to make changes that is why I am not with them anymore.
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Unread postby advath » Sun Apr 20, 2003 1:22 pm

From the NFHS Rule Book

Rule 7-4-8: The landing pad, measured beyond the vertical plane of the planting box, should be a minimum of 19-feet-8 wide by 16-5 feet deep.
This says "landing pad" not "base pad". The landing pad can't be that wide because the standards need to fit inside that measurement "beyond the vertical plane of the box."

7-5-8 Effective immediately the overall size of the pole vault landing pad shall be a minimum of 19’8â€Â

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To get the full intent of the rule I would contact the NFHS

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sun Apr 20, 2003 2:04 pm

To get the full intent of the rule I would contact the NFHS
If you want to interpret this to mean the Standard bases, otherwords the main base units then it meets the rules as the 11 foot base units are now greater than 19'8" wide. Because it says the landing areas beyond the standard bases and beyond the box both are not part of the landing area and the landing area is beyond these items chosen as the beginning of the landing area.

If you interpret this to mean the PV standard Base protection pads or the base of the standards that hold the bar then yes this area is also now 19'8" wide or more.
The Landing area behind the vault box was 16'6" and the landing area behind the base of the PV standards was 22' wide.Thus making this pit upgrade legal and bigger than most pits

7-5-8 Effective immediately, the overall size of the pole vault landing pad shall be 19’8â€Â
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Unread postby Russ » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:15 pm

That may be it, but honestly I thought that there was a thread last Spring or Summer that was more directly on point. If I can't find anything else, perhaps will have to suffice.

If anybody else can help me recall this particular discussion, I'd appreciate it. I feel stupid for forgetting where it is. Good grief. :P


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