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Several UCS Spirit and Pacer poles for sale

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:48 pm
by DBarringtont6
My little bro had to quit when he hurt his ankle, so he wants me to sell his poles for him. Here is a list of what he has:

16' 185lb Spirit
16' 180lb Spirit
16' 170lb Spirit

14'6" 170 Pacer
14'6" 175 Pacer
16'1" 180lb Pacer Carbon 18.5 flex
16'1" 180lb Pacer Carbon 19.0 flex
16'1" Pacer Carbon 19.6 flex (Probably a 175 lb)
16'1" 185 Pacer 15.9 flex
16'1" 185 Pacer 16.7 flex
16'1" 185 Pacer 17.4 flex
16'1" 190 Pacer 17.5 flex
16'5" 180 Pacer 18 flex
16'5" 195 Pacer 13.6 flex
15'6" 185 Pacer
16'5" 185 Pacer 18 flex
16'1" 185 Pacer 18 flex

If you're interested in one or several let me know which and I'll get you a price. I am in the Dallas/Fort Worth area but he lives up in Norman, OK so if your near either of those areas I can probably meet you with the poles. My e-mail address is

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:20 am
by Rhino
What are the flex numbers for the two 14'6 poles?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:13 pm
by tikrapt
how much for the 14'6 poles? also shipping to 18052

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:20 pm
by DBarringtont6
I'll get the flex numbers and post them tomorrow. I would like to sell them for $200 each. I'll have to check on shipping costs and get back to you guys on that.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:31 am
by Boomer
I am wondering the flex on the 15.6.
