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Weeks 13'04", Weeks 13'00" (AR) *video

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:48 am
by AVC Coach
March 13, 2014
Searcy Lion Relays
Searcy, AR

Cabot Wonder Twins, Lexi and Tori Weeks, made history here in our state last night and became the top All-time duo. Tori cleared 13'00" to become only the 3rd Arkansas girl in history to break that barrier while Lexi got a new outdoor PR with 13'04". I'll have some video up soon.


Video of Tori:

Video of Tori and Lexi:

Re: Weeks 13'04", Weeks 13'00" (AR) [twins!]

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:57 am
by rainbowgirl28
That's got to be a world record for twin girls? Certainly in the US anyway :)

Re: Weeks 13'04", Weeks 13'00" (AR) *video

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:40 pm
by AVC Coach
rainbowgirl28 wrote:That's got to be a world record for twin girls? Certainly in the US anyway :)

Alright, you got me to researching and I can't find anything to contradict that. There is a set of twins in Tennessee with PR's of 11'6" and a set from Florida with 11' and 12' and a pair that signed with UCLA (12'0" and 12'8") but that's all I could find here in the U.S.. I couldn't find anything about the girls from other parts of the world. Anyone know of any better? I'm sure there have been sisters that have gone higher, but twins would be a little more unique.

Lexi and Tori did several events at this meet and won them all, except for Tori finishing 2nd to Lexi in the PV.
Tori: TJ 35'09" (1st), 200m 27.76 (1st), 300H 49.14 (1st), 1600m Relay (1st), PV 13'00" (2nd)
Lexi: LJ 17'01" (1st), PV 13'04" (1st), 1600m Relay (1st)

Re: Weeks 13'04", Weeks 13'00" (AR) *video

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:30 am
by hardflex
Great Job Morey !

I was once coaching 3 sets of twins at the same time. I wondered if they were drawn to the sport somehow.