Texas Elite Pole Vault Results - Annie Rhodes 14 ft!
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:28 pm
Code: Select all
Texas Elite Pole Vault Meet: Raising the Bar Against Cancer
Harker Heights, Texas
Last Name First Name Club Height Place
Future Elite Girls
Tidewell Tuesdi Hico Flyers 9' 0.00 1st
Newman Hanna TXE 8' 0.00 2nd
Depriest Matty Unattached 7' 6.00 3rd
Future Elite Boys
Davis Jackson TXE 10' 6.00 1st
Stifflemire Kyle TXE 9' 0.00 2nd
Molina Joseph TXE 7' 6.00 3rd
Intermediate Girls
Amthor Sutton TXE 9' 6.00 1st
Fisher Averi TXE 9' 0.00 2nd
Coftchek Katie TXE 7' 6.00 3rd
Stifflemire Kristen TXE 7' 6.00 4th
Intermediate Boys
Amos Karter TXE 12' 0.00 1st
Zumwalt Jack TXE 10' 6.00 2nd
Yu Alex TXE 9' 0.00 3rd
High School Girls
Telford Madeline PoleCats 11' 0.00 1st
Latham Sarah TXE 9' 6.00 2nd
Shaffer Heather TXE 9' 0.00 3rd
Alaniz Heidi TXE 8' 6.00 4th
Mulins Alyson TXE 8' 0.00 5th
Herr Leigh TXE NH
High School Boys
Herbert Trenton TXE 14' 0.00 1st
Reed Perry Club Altius 13' 6.00 2nd
Cosper Cody TXE 13' 6.00 3rd
Holmes John Robert TXE 13' 0.00 4th
Cole Jayson TXE 12' 6.00 5th
Thomas Brett TXE 12' 0.00 6th
Haney Dallas TXE 11' 6.00
Smith Blake TXE NH
Elite High School Girls
Rhodes Annie TXE 14' 0.00 1st
Summersett Nicole Lonestar South 13' 0.00 2nd
Timmons Reece TXE 12' 6.00 3rd
Long Kally Lonestar South 12' 6.00 4th
Gullo Alyssa Lonestar South 12' 0.00 5th
Freier Desiree Elite Sportz DNF
McKinney Zoe Elite Sportz DNS
Elite High School Boys
Roberson Jay Altius 16' 0.00 1st
Mahler Wolf TXE 16' 0.00 2nd
Martin Bryce TXE 15' 0.00 3rd
Meadors Nicholas TXE 15' 0.00 4th
Toliver Travis Lonestar South 15' 0.00 5th
Turner Tyler Hico Flyers 14' 6.00 6th
Larson Garrett TXE 14' 6.00
Barker Seth TXE NH
Masters Men
McFarling Brad 13' 0.00 1st
Goliburt Paul 12' 0.00 2nd
Crites Bob Bob Crites Fan Club12' 0.00 3rd
Curry Don The Woodlands PVC 11' 0.00 4th
Haire Todd 11' 0.00 5th
Valdez Bert 9' 6.00 6th